Source code for pbwrap.pbwrap

"""Contains a wrapper for the Pastebin API for easier usage."""
import os
import io

import requests

import pbwrap.formatter as formatter
from pbwrap.constants import API_OPTIONS
from pbwrap.models import Paste

[docs]class Pastebin(object): """Pastebin class represents your communication with the Pastebin API through its functions you can use every API endpoint avalaible. Most functions require at least an api_dev_key parameter. Functions for manipulating your pastes through the API require an api_user_key. """ def __init__(self, api_dev_key=None): """Instantiate a Pastebin Object :param api_dev_key: Your API Pastebin key :type api_dev_key: string """ self.api_dev_key = api_dev_key self.api_user_key = None
[docs] def authenticate(self, username, password): """Authenticate through the API login endpoint Your api_user_key attribute is set automatically :type username: string :param username: Your username :type password: string :param password: Your password :returns: your user_id key :rtype: string """ data = { "api_dev_key": self.api_dev_key, "api_user_name": username, "api_user_password": password, } r ="", data) self.api_user_key = r.text return self.api_user_key
[docs] def get_user_details(self): """Return user details in a dictionary. Can only be user after authenticating with get_user_id(username, password). :returns: dictionary containing user details :rtype: dictionary """ data = {"api_dev_key": self.api_dev_key, "api_user_key": self.api_user_key} r ="", data) return formatter.user_from_xml(r.text)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_archive(): """Return archive paste link list.Archive contains 25 most recent pastes. :returns: a list of url strings :rtype: list """ r = requests.get("") return formatter.archive_url_format(r.text)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_raw_paste(paste_id): """Return raw string of given paste_id. get_raw_paste(pasted_id) :type paste_id: string :param paste_id: The ID key of the paste :returns: the text of the paste :rtype: string """ r = requests.get("" + paste_id) return r.text
[docs] def create_paste( self, api_paste_code, api_paste_private=0, api_paste_name=None, api_paste_expire_date=None, api_paste_format=None, ): """Create a new paste if succesfull return it's url. :type api_paste_code: string :param api_paste_code: your paste text :type api_paste_private: int :param api_paste_private: valid values=0(public),1(unlisted),2(private) :type api_paste_name: string :param api_user_name: your paste name :type api_paste_expire_date: string :param api_paste_expire_date: check documentation for valid values :type api_paste_format: string :param api_paste_format: check documentation for valid values :returns: new paste url :rtype: string """ data = { "api_dev_key": self.api_dev_key, "api_user_key": self.api_user_key, "api_paste_code": api_paste_code, "api_paste_private": api_paste_private, "api_paste_name": api_paste_name, "api_paste_expire_date": api_paste_expire_date, "api_paste_format": api_paste_format, "api_option": API_OPTIONS["PASTE"], } # Filter data and remove dictionary None keys. filtered_data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if v is not None} r ="", filtered_data) return r.text
[docs] def create_paste_from_file( self, filepath, api_paste_private=0, api_paste_name=None, api_paste_expire_date=None, api_paste_format=None, ): """Create a new paste from file if succesfull return it's url. :type filepath: string :param filepath: the path of the file :type api_paste_private: int :param api_paste_private: valid values=0(public),1(unlisted),2(private) :type api_paste_name: string :param api_user_name: your paste name :type api_paste_expire_date: string :param api_paste_expire_date: check documentation for valid values :type api_paste_format: string :param api_paste_format: check documentation for valid values :returns: new paste url :rtype: string """ if os.path.exists(filepath): with filepath, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore" ).read() as api_paste_code: return self.create_paste( api_paste_code, api_paste_private, api_paste_name, api_paste_expire_date, api_paste_format, ) return None
[docs] def get_user_pastes(self, api_results_limit=None): """Return a list of Pastes created from the user :type api_results_limit: int :param api_results_limit: min=1, max=1000 :returns: a list of Pastes created from the user :rtype: list """ data = { "api_dev_key": self.api_dev_key, "api_user_key": self.api_user_key, "api_results_limit": api_results_limit, "api_option": API_OPTIONS["USER_PASTE"], } # Filter data and remove dictionary None keys. filtered_data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if v is not None} r ="", filtered_data) if r.text: return formatter.paste_list_from_xml(r.text) return "No pastes in this account"
[docs] def get_user_raw_paste(self, api_paste_key): """Return the raw data of a user paste(even private pastes!) as string. :param api_paste_key: the id key of the paste you want to fetch :type api_paste_key: string :returns: the text of the paste :rtype: string """ data = { "api_dev_key": self.api_dev_key, "api_user_key": self.api_user_key, "api_paste_key": api_paste_key, "api_option": API_OPTIONS["USER_RAW_PASTE"], } r ="", data) return r.text
[docs] def delete_user_paste(self, api_paste_key): """Deletes a paste created by the user. :param api_paste_key: the id key of the paste you want to delete :type api_paste_key: string :returns: api response :rtype: string """ data = { "api_dev_key": self.api_dev_key, "api_user_key": self.api_user_key, "api_paste_key": api_paste_key, "api_option": API_OPTIONS["DELETE_PASTE"], } r ="", data) return r.text
[docs] @staticmethod def get_recent_pastes(limit=50, lang=None): """get_recent_pastes(limit=50, lang=None) Return a list containing dictionaries of paste. :param limit: the limit of the items returned defaults to 50 :type limit: int :param lang: return only pastes from certain language defaults to None :type lang: string :returns: list of Paste objects. :rtype: list(Paste) """ parameters = {"limit": limit, "lang": lang} r = requests.get( "", params=parameters ) paste_list = list() for paste in r.json(): paste_list.append(Paste(paste)) return paste_list
[docs] @staticmethod def scrape_raw_paste(paste_key): """scrape_raw_paste(paste_key) Return a string containing the text of the paste. :param paste_key: the unique key of the paste you want to scrape :type paste_key: string :returns: raw string containing the text of the paste :rtype: string """ parameter = {"i": paste_key} r = requests.get( "", params=parameter ) return r.text
[docs] @staticmethod def scrape_paste_metadata(paste_key): """scrape_paste_metadata(paste_key) Return a dictionary containing the metadata of the paste. :param paste_key: the unique key of the paste you want to scrape :type paste_key: string :returns: dictionary containing the metadata of the paste :rtype: dictionary """ parameter = {"i": paste_key} r = requests.get( "", params=parameter ) return r.json()